Beg, fall at your feet, give arguments — they will still do it their own way. Who are they? Yes, stubborn people from the zodiac circle who do not want to listen to other people's advice. Under what signs were stubborn citizens born?
We need to go left! — you say, and the Taurus will immediately go to the right. Even if there is a dead end, they will break through the wall with their horns and do as they see fit. The element of the Earth is to blame for everything — it was she who endowed the Taurus with indescribable perseverance. And it's time to understand: the wards of Venus are always right, and you don't need to climb with your opinion.
You can knock on the shell of Crayfish even until you turn blue. You can fill up the pets of the Moon with gifts and beckon with promises. Crayfish will never agree with someone else's opinion — well, unless it coincides with the opinion of the aquatic creatures themselves. Intractable Cancers hate to give in and, even realizing their mistakes, they will back away in the wrong direction — and let it be bad for them, but they again avoided compromise.
There is only one correct opinion — and this is the opinion of the Virgins. And everything else is from the evil one, surely you want to confuse the earthly guys and confuse them. Only Virgos can make a brilliant plan, and if you climb with your advice, then you are sent by competitors. Well, that's what Mercury's wards think and don't let themselves be fooled.
The horns have long been rooted in the ground, but Capricorns are still not going to listen to your advice, because if the earth guys are stubborn, then it's useless to argue. Maybe Capricorns show their willpower, maybe they argue just out of habit. And in general, if they agree with you, it means they will show weakness, and this is not the status of Saturn's strong wards.
The fiery pests did not want to be included in this list — the stars hardly persuaded Aries to stand at least in the last place. The horns are there, the character is there, the inability to hear someone other than oneself is also present: the pets of Mars have absorbed all the qualities of stubborn lambs.
The guys from the zodiac five are not only stubborn, but also selfish. And they're not even interested in what all sorts of people are thinking.