Beg, fall at your feet, give arguments — they will still do it their own way. Who are they? Yes, stubborn people from the zodiac circle who do not want to listen to other people's advice. Under what signs were stubborn citizens born?
read moreSomeone falls in love in kindergarten, someone falls under the influence of hormones in adolescence and is ready to fall in love every day. But there are men who "roll over" only in adulthood — we find out under which constellations the guys were born, and why a bright feeling comes to them late.
read moreOnce upon a time there was a woman. I sat in front of the TV in the evenings, worried about the characters of the series. Knitting socks, worried about the preparations for the winter... Tadam! – a swift and restless Sagittarius man burst into life. "What zucchini, what dacha?" – asks the fire sign and drags the lady to a nightclub. We learn about the changes waiting for a woman who was lucky to meet Sagittarius.
read moreDad can do anything — the kids singing this song are very proud of their dads. Alas, not all daddies are distinguished by their love of children. But the stars conducted a study and found out under what signs men were born who will become the most wonderful and most loving fathers.
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